
Homepages have evolved a bit in the many years that I've had one. I like to think of this version as the distributed presence iteration.

I love regexes, b&w photography, and chocolate chip cookies. Currently an infosec attorney in Seattle. Former SDET @ amzn. Wellesley alum, Google alum, USCG wife, perl hacker, nerd.

I occasionally update my blog and my sewing blog, West 38th

I'm on Twitter: @wendyck

Some of my: security how-tos and other writing are on Medium

As well as LinkedIn and github.

I keep pictures on Flickr as wck and Instagram

I read a lot. My current reading eventually gets imported into goodreads

I have a Tumblr and here is my pinterest

A list of some public speaking I've done

--wendy knox everette